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Key Highlights: Foreign Trade Policy 2023

Key Highlights: Foreign Trade Policy 2023

Central Government notified the new Foreign Trade Policy 2023, in exercise of powers conferred by section 5 of Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992 (No. 22 of 1992) [FT (D&R) Act], as amended  

Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) on 31st March 2023 issued notification no. 01/2023 to give enforcing effect to new Foreign Trade Policy, 2023 as per notification, “This Foreign Trade Policy shall come into force with effect from 1st April, 2023.

FTP 2015-20 which was to end on 31.03.2020 was extended due to COVID pandemic and volatile geo-political scenario till 31.03.2023. India has reach record high Export Performance in Merchandise and Services Exports during this period. Policy changes were being undertaken since 2015 even without announcement of a new FTP responding dynamically to the emerging situations.

The Foreign Trade Policy 2023 is being announced to provide the policy continuity and a responsive framework. The Foreign Trade Policy 2023 is being announced to provide the policy continuity and a responsive framework.

New FTP Approach

  • From Incentives to Tax Remission
  • Greater Trade facilitation through technology, automation, and continuous process re-engineering
  • Export promotion through collaboration: Exporters, States, Districts
  • Focus on Emerging Areas – E-Commerce Exports, Developing Districts as Export Hubs, Streamlining SCOMET policy et al.
  • From Incentives to Tax Remission
  • Greater Trade facilitation through technology, automation, and continuous process re-engineering
  • Export promotion through collaboration: Exporters, States, Districts
  • Focus on Emerging Areas – E-Commerce Exports, Developing Districts as Export Hubs, Streamlining SCOMET policy et al.

Key Highlights

  • Foreign Trade Policy to be dynamic and responsive to the emerging trade scenario.
  • Wider engagement with States and Districts to promote exports from the grassroots.
  • Focus on e-Commerce exports to streamline processes and make it easier for exports to grow in e-commerce space.
  • Work towards making Indian Rupees a global currency and facilitating International Trade settlement in INR.
  • FTP benefits extended for rupee realisations through special Vostro accounts setup as per RBI circular issued on 11 July 2022
  • Benefits of Self-Ratification Scheme for fixation of Input-Output Norms extended to 2 star and above status holders in addition to Authorised Economic Operators at present.
  • Special Advance Authorisation Scheme extended to export of Apparel and Clothing sector under para 4.07 of HBP on self-declaration basis to facilitate prompt execution of export orders – Norms would be fixed within fixed time-frame.
  •  Districts as Export Hubs aims to boost India’s foreign trade by decentralizing export promotion.
  • Regional Authorities of DGFT working with the States/UTs to prepare District specific Export Plans.
  • All FTP benefits to be extended to e-Commerce exports.
  • Value limit for exports through courier is increased to Rs.10,00,000 per consignment.
  • Timeline for processing EPCG and Advance Authorisation reduced.
  • In line with the “Vivaad se Vishwaas” initiative, which sought to settle tax disputes amicably, Government is introducing a special one-time Amnesty Scheme to address non-compliance in Export Obligations by Advance Authorization and EPCG authorization holders.

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